DT4REGIONS is a European Parliament Preparatory Action supported with European Funds. Its aim is the creation of a European Platform for Regions to enable AI and Big Data collective solutions. It is a unique challenge-based innovation platform for the development of tools and services of public interest. At the same time, its goal is to enhance public administration efficiency and effectiveness in user-centric services. Within this context, public administrations were engaged in defining the platform services and can benefit from dedicated capacity building and mutual learning activities, with a view to exploiting the full potential of the platform itself. Regional innovation ecosystem actors contribute to the identification of the platform functionalities and contents, as well as of the future public services to be developed and delivered on the back of AI and Big Data solutions.

Bringing together 14 partners from across Europe, the project has the real needs of a network of regions at its heart. Technical partners provide assistance to make the platform a sound and effective environment for the development of the next era of AI and Big Data for the digital transformation of public administration.

Project Objectives
Specific objectives of the project are:
- Raising awareness and knowledge about AI and big data applications for public services within the public administrations and the regional ecosystem
- Stimulating peer to peer knowledge sharing among regions
- Increasing and enlarging policy discussions on topics of specific public interest
- Serving as a hub of a wide variety of data-related topics, such as open data, smart cities, digital skills
- Fostering innovation through practical exercises, including two hackathons, based on the concrete needs of public administrations and citizens.
Project Partners
DT4REGIONS project is bringing together 14 partners from seven European countries, led by the Emilia-Romagna Region. Our team is highly inter- and transdisciplinary, building on long-lasting experiences in digital policies, AI, Big Data and digital transformation.