Research centers and capacity building ecosystem
The following section presents an overview of the landscape of the field of AI and BD, it is also necessary to consider current research, education, training and capacity building in order to capture innovative initiatives and frameworks.

Oxford Artificial Intelligence Society
Embedded in the University of Oxford, the society provides a platform to educate, build, connect, and employ an interdisciplinary Artificial Intelligence community that drives innovation and works towards the long-term social benefit of AI.

VUB Artificial Intelligence Lab
The Artificial Intelligence Lab Brussels was the first AI Lab in the Continental Europe, founded in 1983 by Luc Steels, and have delivered more than 50 doctors and 900 publications. The AI Lab performs leading fundamental and applied research in both symbolic and subsymbolic AI.

IARAI is building a unique environment of world class researchers where industrial scale real-world data is openly shared with the scientific community. The Institute advances basic and applied research in AI. Critical analyses and fundamental studies seek novel insights that shape the future of our society.

Associazione Big Data
The Associazione Big Data was set up to interconnect and jointly exploit the knowledge, research and innovation potentials of high performance computing, big data analysis, deep and machine learning algorithms, high bandwidth networks as future technological pillars of digital society, that will also require the development of new skills and technologies.

BI-REX Big Data Innovation & Research Excellence
BI-REX Competence Center intends to be a strategic and operational player to support companies interested in digitalization of industrial processes, within Industry 4.0 framework: from design to production, from R&D to supply chain, from security to blockchain.

IFAB International Foundation Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for Human Development
The Foundation is focused on the common good and aims to be an independent and influential international point of reference for the scientific and cultural debate on human development, sustainability and new science taking place globally. The Foundation’s mission is divided into 3 goals of which the first is to reinforcing, enhancing and promoting scientific research and its cross-disciplinary implications, with particular focus on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence.

CIDAI Centre of Innovation for Data tech and Artificial Intelligence
The Big Data Centre of Excellence Barcelona (Big Data CoE Barcelona) is an initiative led by Eurecat that was created with the support of Oracle, the Government of Catalonia and the Barcelona City Council to build, evolve, bring together and make available to companies differential Big Data tools, datasets and infrastructures. All these tools allow companies to define, experiment and validate Big Data models before final implementation.

Lernende Systeme Germany’s Platform for Artificial Intelligence
In order to design self-learning systems according to the needs of humans and society, the Plattform Lernende Systeme brings together leading expertise from science, industry and society and connects discern perspectives and interests. In thematically distinguished interdisciplinary working groups, they discuss technological, economic and social questions on the development and introduction of self-learning systems. From the results they conclude scenarios, recommendations, guidelines or roadmaps.

Cyber Valley
Academic and private sector partners are building bridges between curiosity-driven basic research and applied research. The state of Baden-Württemberg, the Max Planck Society with the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, the Universities of Stuttgart and Tübingen, as well as Amazon, BMW AG, Daimler AG, IAV GmbH, Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, Robert Bosch GmbH, and ZF Friedrichshafen AG are Cyber Valley’s founding partners of this initiative.

DFKI German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
DFKI conducts research on "human-centric AI", with a focus on socially relevant topics and scientific excellence in the key groundbreaking areas of AI research and application. The center is convinced that AI technologies can help in meeting the great societal challenges we face such as man-made global warming, social injustices, and dangerous diseases. DFKI dedicated themselves with great energy to work on AI solutions to these tasks.

AI Campus
Academic and private sector partners are building bridges between curiosity-driven basic research and applied research. The state of Baden-Württemberg, the Max Planck Society with the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, the Universities of Stuttgart and Tübingen, as well as Amazon, BMW AG, Daimler AG, IAV GmbH, Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, Robert Bosch GmbH, and ZF Friedrichshafen AG are Cyber Valley’s founding partners of this initiative.

FCAI Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence
Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence FCAI is a community of experts that brings together top talents in academia, industry and the public sector to solve real-life problems using both existing and novel AI. FCAI is one of the Academy of Finland’s Finnish flagships, hubs of top-level research and impact.

AI4GOV: Master in Artificial Intelligence for Public Services
The Master in Artificial Intelligence for Public Services (AI4Gov) is a new higher education programme funded by the European Union, and developed by four leading European universities in the fields of digital, technology, and engineering science.