Achieving location interoperability: lessons learnt from the ELISE action and future perspectives

Lessons learnt from the ELISE Action and future perspectives
The European Commission has put digital transformation at the heart of its policy agenda with its Communication on Europe’s Digital Compass.
Location data and technologies play an important role in Digital Government Transformation and providing digital public services. They can be leveraged for digital services and applications and policy assessments for public authorities, businesses and citizens.
Location interoperability is essential for public authorities to harness the full potential of location data and technologies. Organisations, systems and devices can exchange and use location data with a coherent and consistent approach.
During the last five years, the European Location Interoperability Solutions for e-Government (ELISE) Action has worked hard to facilitate more efficient cross-border and cross-sector digital interaction by enabling digital government through the use of location data and location Intelligence.
To close ELISE’s Action journey, on 28 April 2022, a webinar with the title “Achieving Location Interoperability - Lessons learnt from the ELISE Action and future perspectives” was organised to showcase the main findings and Action contribution toward achieving location interoperability.
Various speakers covered the following aspects:
- What is Location Interoperability? Why the focus on Location Interoperability? What is in it for me?
- Main findings: what benefits do location Interoperability bring? What are the remaining challenges hampering achieving location Interoperability?
- How has the ELISE Action supported Location Interoperability? What are the key achievements and success stories that can be highlighted?
- How to go from here? Recommendations, possible next steps and future perspectives for Location Interoperability
Participants and guests from various sectors will have the chance to:
- share experiences on Location Interoperability,
- express how they benefitted from the ELISE Action, and
- share their views about future perspectives.