Jun, 13
Start at 12h00m
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Test-before-invest for the Digital Transformation: Living labs as tools for the integration of AI and Big Data in the European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs)

DT4REGIONS and Living-in.EU initiatives are delighted to invite you to a joint Webinar on 13 June 2023 from 12:00 to 14:00 CEST, with the aim to explore the integration of AI into Living Labs for Digital transformation & Digital Innovation Hubs for European cities and regions. 

The test-before-invest approach allows innovators to develop new products and services in a controlled scenario, with the aim of having an optimal solution prior to further rounds of investments, minimising risks and providing better-suited results. The European Commission has identified the test-before-invest approach as one of the core elements of the European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs), in which innovation and technology services are provided to SMEs, being AI and Big Data essential technologies. The EU test-beds, living labs and Sandboxes (particularly the brand new Sandbox in AI) are powerful tools to tackle it from a multi-stakeholder perspective, or, in other words: to target the wider market of systemic transformations, with deep repercussions on European Public Administrations.

In this session, we will provide clear examples of how living labs are enablers for the test-before-invest in real-life scenarios where AI and Big Data are used as enabling technologies. We will provide pathways to the further integration of classical innovation agents, such as industrial clusters, and we will discuss relevant connections with testbeds, sandboxes and regulatory learning 

We will introduce the basics of Living Labs for Digital Transformation, and we will provide clear examples of how they are being implemented in the European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs), we will propose clear directions for the integration of AI into the Living Labs for Digital transformation & Digital Innovation Hubs, and illustrate examples already working in the European context. Bibliographic material and a repository of the case studies will be supporting our 2-hour session.

We invite public authorities, municipalities, policymakers from local and national authorities, supporters and signatories of the Living-in.EU declaration, as well as DT4REGIONS project partners to join us for this Webinar. Participants will get to know the other cities and regions interested in participating in the joint DT4REGIONS and Living-in.EU capacity building programme and can share their perspectives and insight upon this very interesting topic.

Last update 02/06/2023