From learning to replicating: focus on AI solutions - RECIPROCITY Project
RECIPROCITY is a H2020 funded project, which goal is to initiate and support replication projects in at least 20 cities and municipalities varying in size, location, degree of urbanisation and mobility demand. They will be equipped with the tools, knowledge and contacts to accelerate the process of replicating innovative mobility solutions.
On Monday 16 January 2023, from 14:00 to 16:30, the project will focus on two selected good practices on the use of AI for mobility, Wisp and SquareMiles.
You will have the chance to hear a description of their successful mobility cases and discuss the possibility of replicating them in other cities. On this occasion, the Institute of International Transport Law (IDIT) will address the legal barriers to the replication of innovative mobility solutions.
You can register to this event through this link.
Learn more about the two cases
WISP is an AI-oriented solution to streamline car traffic in large cities. Without additional infrastructure, the purpose is to optimize traffic light switching times. For better air quality, less noise pollution and considerable time savings.
SquareMiles is a Digital Twin back with a simulator designed to test all logistics scenarios and accelerate innovation processes. It allows diagnosis and proposal of solutions for multimodal logistics, carbon-free and optimized by digital twin.
More information and agenda here