Workshop: Preparing the State of The Digital Decade Report 2023
With the State of the Digital Decade Report planned to be published in June, the Commission will present the state of play of the EU’s digital transformation, including: stock-taking on challenges and on EU’s and national progress towards the Digital Decade objectives and targets, on Multi-Country Projects, identifying significant gaps and shortages, and issuing recommended actions to address possible gaps.
In preparation for the publishing of the report, the Commission is organising an open workshop on Thursday 20 April, to gather feedback from digital transformation experts working in European companies, consultancies and organisations.
More specifically, the goal of the meeting will be to get the latest insights on digital transformation, the opportunities brought about by new technologies, and the challenges linked to the achievement of the 2030 Digital decade.
Attendees will be given the possibility to ask questions through the Digital Decade Futurium Community.
More information can be found here.