The Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, with a territory of 84 100 km² located in southwestern France, is the largest region in France and the 4th most populated, with 5.9 million inhabitants.
The region has numerous missions ranging from training to employment, regional transport, sport and culture. It also includes actions to boost the economy in its territory and the digital transformation of its stakeholders that represent a yearly budget of about EUR 6.7 million, completed by Structural Funds. In this regard, the regional priorities are stated in two main documents: the Regional Plan for Economic Development, Innovation and Internationalisation, and the Regional roadmap supporting the digital economy and digital innovations. More than 60 000 people are working in this sector in Nouvelle-Aquitaine, with strong assets in e-health, video games, smart mobility, collaborative economics, edutainment, business platforms, etc. Around 30 research organisations, both public and private, are structuring this economic sector.
Since the adoption of the NeoTerra roadmap in 2019, all regional policies have to take into account the fight against climate change. Nouvelle-Aquitaine thus promotes a responsible digital economy in all its components. An ambition reconfirmed in 2020 when the Region adopted a specific “sustainable IT roadmap” that aims to develop a regional ecosystem for inclusive, ethical and sustainable digital.
Through its involvement with the DT4REGIONS project, the region aims to exchange best practices and to brainstorm with its partners and stakeholders to contribute to developing more inclusive digital public services.