Digital services for Europe

Digital Services for Europe is a practical strategy-building toolkit that helps ministers, mayors and directors (Chief Digital Officers and Chief Executive Officers) of municipalities and EU Member States to move towards a social and technical roadmap for digital services for all its citizens, in which collaboration at all levels of government and private sector are further enabled.
It aims at realizing user-friendly and cost-effective services that are citizencentered, where people have insight into and control over their data.
The toolkit brings good-practices from across the EU together into concrete steps that you can take towards an ecosystem for the development and implementation of citizen-centric digital services, starting today. Digital Services for Europe consists of multiple instruments, that offer knowledge, insight and applicability:
- A set of building blocks that, together, cover all aspects of an ecosystem for citizencentered digital services and essentially are the components of the modular strategy;
- A survey through which municipalities and Member States can determine their current position, as a starting point from which they can build their strategy;
- An dynamic roadmap tool that uses the survey results to provide a local-context roadmap for the elements and implementation steps for Member States and municipalities to move forward.
The strategy combines technical as well as social aspects, and addresses these from both a political and an organizational perspective. Go to to get started on building your own strategy