Real-time mapping of litter: empowering communities for cleaner public spaces

Published by: Province of Utrecht
Published at 05/06/2023 Last update 30/08/2023
Education, culture and sport

Littering not only impacts our quality of life but also poses environmental and health risks. This DT story explores opportunities for combating this problem and focuses on the need to raise awareness, optimize litter management, and foster a sense of responsibility among citizens. By leveraging technology and collaborative efforts, innovative solutions can be developed to create cleaner and more sustainable communities.


Problem or opportunity

Public dumping of garbage has emerged as a significant challenge faced by governments and communities worldwide. It leads to environmental degradation, threatens public health, and diminishes the overall livability of cities. This issue presents a unique opportunity to develop effective strategies that comprehensively combat the problem of public space pollution.


Expected benefits

By addressing the issue of public space pollution, communities can reap several benefits:

  • Improved livability: cleaner and more aesthetically pleasing public spaces enhance the overall quality of life for residents, making communities more attractive and enjoyable.

  • Environmental preservation: combating public space pollution helps safeguard ecosystems and prevent the spread of pollutants, safeguarding the soil, water, and air quality.

  • Efficient resource utilization: by leveraging data-driven insights, waste management personnel can optimize their operations, leading to better resource allocation, reduced costs, and enhanced efficiency.

  • Empowered communities: raising awareness and fostering a sense of responsibility among individuals empowers communities to actively participate in keeping their neighborhoods clean, fostering a sense of pride and ownership.