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A digital twin is a digital representation of a physical process, person, place, system or device. Digital twins were originally designed to improve manufacturing process...
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Population growth will confront the City of Zurich with a variety of challenges in the coming years, as the increase in the number of inhabitants and jobs will lead to densificatio...
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Large-scale microsimulations are increasingly resourceful tools for analysing in detail citywide effects and alternative scenarios of our policy decisions, approximating the ideal ...
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Traffic management problems in any city are acute. Previously, this problem was solved by control centers, now such centers require modernization based on digital twins and artific...
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As Internet of Things (IoT) technologies enable greater communication between energy assets in smart cities, the operational coordination of various energy networks in a city or di...
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This paper demonstrates that a shift from a purely technical to a more socio-technical perspective has significant implications for the conceptualization, design, and implementatio...
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Urbanization is causing a significant increase in the amount, diversity, and complexity of human activities, all of which have a substantial impact on energy consumption. Curr...
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Today, there are many recent developments that focus on improving the electric vehicles and their components, particularly regarding advances in batteries, energy management system...
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Urbanization and the growth of human population are leading to increased complexities in the interactions of citizens with public spaces, creating cities that must be more responsi...
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Exploiting smart cities with digital twins (SCDT) requires the integration of sensing and simulation across diverse infrastructure systems into community management. Community disa...
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