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Application case
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Speakers: Dembski F. Wossner U. Letzgus M. Ruddat M. & Yamu C
Cities are complex systems connected to economic, ecological, and demographic conditions and change. They are also characterized by diverging perceptions and interests of citizens ...
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Application case
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Speakers: Charitonidou M
The article examines the impact of the virtual public sphere on how urban spaces are experienced and conceived in our data-driven society. It places particular emphasis on urban sc...
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Application case
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Speakers: Matei Alexandru Circa Dragoș Zamfirescu Bălă-Constantin
As digital transformation is gaining momentum, nowadays each product is usually accompanied by a software system that can be used to manage it remotely. Automated Guided Vehicles a...
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Application case
Academy - Default Image
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Speakers: CIDAI
Science and technology
The goal of this master class, presented by NTT DATA, is to explore the world of Generative AI and LLM, with a strong focus on the latest AI techniques, types and applications. We ...
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ChatGPT and LLM
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Speakers: Dr. Morten Irgens Dr. Fredrik Heintz Dr. Tomas Mikolov et al.
Science and technology
ChatGPT and Large Language Models (LLMs) have been creating quite a buzz in the tech world lately. These advanced natural language processing models have shown remarkable improveme...
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digital innovation image
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Government and public sector
This research project sets out to analyse the transformation of the public sector and its service provision through digital innovation by taking into consideration the diversity of...
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Application case
image future trends
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Government and public sector
This report comprises 12 main trends that will affect our urban living in the upcoming future, its explanation, impact and key case studies where they are being implemented. Under ...
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EU publication
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Science and technology
Regions and Cities
Interoperability is a prerequisite for electronic communication and the exchange of information between different actors, but it is much broader than technical in nature. Taken in ...
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Speakers: María Hernández Rubio; César de Pablo Sánchez
Education, culture and sport
There is a lot of data on training natural language models but most importantly is to find a way to structure and process them efficiently. This webinar discusses a use case of ...
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Speakers: Eusko Jaurlaritzaren Informatika Elkartea
Education, culture and sport
Talk on the impact of language technologies in different contexts: television, health, public administrations, etc. Challenges, needs and objectives that are most relevant in each ...
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