Proactive alerts

Citizens subscribed to the service receive an e-mail alert when they should apply for an administrative procedure. The e-mail links to a pre-filled form, into which the citizens should just check their data and send it
Tactical Objectives
The solution is designed to reduce administrative burdens. Citizens shouldn’t care anymore about application periods, neither they should type data that they already gave within previous forms.
The Spanish law doesn’t allow for full proactive administrative procedures: citizens must state every time that they want the procedure and that data is right. So, the solution approach tries to minimize the citizen effort, provided that it is not possible to provide 100% proactive services.
The solution consists of:
- A system to define proactive services associated to administrative procedures.
- A catalog of proactive services, available to citizens through their Private area. For each service, citizens get information about its content and the personal data that will be used. Citizens may subscribe or unsubscribe at will.
- An event detector, that detects when and to whom alerts should be triggered, from the data in a data lake.
- A messaging system to send messages to the citizens, through e-mail and the message inbox in the Private area.
Three kinds of services have been designed, but just the first has already been developed:
- Alerts for a new application period. These alerts are sent at a same time to all people subscribed to this kind of service. The service is triggered when the application period starts. Example: the University scholarships.
- Alerts for renewal, that will be sent to a person holding an administrative permit that is about to end its validity. It is thus a personalized service. Example: the fishing permits.
- Alerts for new administrative situations, that are detected by crossing data in the data lake. Example: an alert to obtain the Large Family Card when all conditions are met.
Functional requirements
A citizen lab was held at the very beginning of the project, including co-creation with students. After that, the details of the solution design have not been co-created.
The service in its corrent state was built through a project of 7 months and around 7.000h of effective work.
Results and impact assessment
Just one pilot has been implemented: the proactive service for University scholarships. Few subscriptions have been reached so far, by lack of diffusion, that will be reviewed.
No impact assessment has been performed so far.
The service is intended to help citizens in their applications. It could affect private agencies that fill applications in behalf of citizens, because easier and proactive applications won’t need citizens to pay for a professional service to fill them.
Dependencies and constraints
The Government may not know which personal data has changed. This makes it difficult to provide 100% proactive services; instead, citizens should confirm their will and the validity of the data.
Most of the administrative units that could promote this kind of services find it hard to do so, because they are centered on managing procedures rather than offering advanced services.